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K-12 Scholarship Programs
Florida provides a variety of school choice options, including six scholarship programs. These programs allow parents unprecedented choice among public and private schools.
Use any of the following links to apply for a scholarship.
Florida provee una variedad de opciones escolares, incluyendo seis programas de becas. Estos programas le permiten a los padres escoger entre escuela publica o privada. Utilice cualquiera de los siguientes enlaces para solicitar su beca.
Our mission is to teach and develop academic skills to the maximum potential to achieve academic excellence, while nurturing the spiritual area, planting values and Christian bases, needed to improve the students' life, as well as the society.
Bilingual Christian Academy accepts all the Scholarship available through the Florida School Choice Program. Meaning that your student could attend our School free of charge for you, if he or she qualifies. Select the Scholarship Program the link for the Scholarship Program of your choice and apply.
Bilingual Christian Academy acepta todas las becas disponibles atravez del Programa de Florida School Choice de la Florida. Esto significa que su hijo (a) podria asistir a nuestra Escuela, libre de costo para usted, si cualifica. Selecciona el enlace del Programa de Becas de tu preferencia y aplica.